Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Channel 13 News Las Vegas Reports on Pigeon Poison Avitrol

Here is a clip from the investigative report for Pigeon Poison Avitrol use in our neighborhood. Again, we hear from vendors how pets would have to consume "a lot" of  Pigeon Poison Avitrol before fatal.

According to PETA "Furthermore, "nontarget" species, such as protected songbirds, often perish from eating the tainted baits, and predators such as raptors, foxes, hawks, cats, and dogs die from secondary poisoning after feeding on the dead or dying birds.

Wildlife pathologists have demonstrated again and again that protected and endangered birds, including red-tailed hawks and peregrine falcons, die as a result of ingesting the remains of pigeons and other birds poisoned with Avitrol. For these reasons, cities such as New York City, San Francisco, and BoulderColorado, have worked with PETA and other animal protection groups to restrict or prohibit the use of Avitrol and other avicides."

If CA, CO, NY and UK have bans on Pigeon Poison Avitrol, we feel  NEVADA residents deserve the same type of protection for OUR families health and safety. ..At least prior notice.

There are many other alternatives to Pigeon Poison Avitrol such as Ovocontrol, a bird birth control. Bottom line is, if Pigeon Poison Avitrol is going to be used in Nevada we deserve the right to be notified of ANY risk to our families. We are tired of hearing "little risk" "little or no reported incidents" etc. There are "little reports of incidents" because of "little or NO" public awareness and notice. A permit MUST be pulled on every residential area being poisoned so the public has recourse and a paper trail. We are working on support from The Audubon SocietyPETAHumane SocietyFriends of Nevada Wilderness and any volunteers.

If you would like to help, contact us at




  1. I just found this article from 2002 regarding the Boulder, CO ban on Avitrol:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Our OFFICIAL ANTI-AVITROL Hub is operational.. visit: .. Activist forms, news coverage, blogs, links, Nevada Petition.... Volunteer Activist Info. ... send your family & friends,, like and comment on all links,, thank you

  4. We appreciate the story Channel 13,, however there are some other points that need to be taken into consideration here besides the pain and suffering of birds...we are concerned about the health and safety of our community...

    1. Avitrol poisons any bird eating the poisoned bird food,, doesn't discriminate.
    2. Avitrol Poisoned birds can travel for miles before plummeting to the ground (Traffic risk, secondary ingestion risk from domestic/other animals).
    3. Psychological ramifications from citizens who are fearful of birds falling from sky (2007 DC office closed from possible terrorist attack,, later to find Avitrol as culprit)

  5. AVITROL Website under frequently asked questions

    Q. Is there a secondary poisoning problem with Avitrol?
    A. -No. Avitrol has no true secondary poisoning. It is possible that if an animal were to eat undigested bait from a bird's digestive tract that it might be affected. We have not seen this occur in field applications. Please see the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Secondary Hazards Report. (then points to a 1973 study on dead infected black birds that were fed AVITROL,, not live/dead Pigeons )

    THE PROBLEMS with AVITROL's 1973 referred to study on their website as the authority on secondary Ingestion are:

    1. The birds used in the study were already dead from digesting AVITROL prior to being fed to the animals. The birds flesh was ground and mixed with other foods
    2. The food stored in the live Pigeons CROP is not mentioned. Pigeons CROP is the large food storage organ illustrated above. AVITROL in CROP is not digested and still active poison. AVITROL admits to this problem on their website
    3. Case studies are on Black Birds not Pigeons
    4. No consideration to other birds taking Avitrol Poisoned corn back to their nest or dropped Avitrol while flying
    5. Avitrol left or scattered at bait sites

    Until we test for AVITROL during autopsies of ALL our dead pets, we will never know how much actual death AVITROL has caused...
